Host a Online Show

Host An Internet Show

The Times They Are A Changing!

A quote from Bob Dylan that fits this post perfectly. Many of you know that PartyLite is a direct selling company whose hosts have been inviting their friends and family into their home for a fun evening of personal shopping. I've been a consultant since March of 2011 and have been to many of these shows and they are a blast. It is truly warming to have someone invite you into their home to meet their friends and family and share PartyLite with them. Most people haven't seen each other in a while because of work, family, and just busy lives in general, so it is refreshing to be apart of a group of women reconnecting and having a wonderful time.

With that being said, many busy people are staying connected via social media sites. Even if you can't get together every weekend with friends and family you can still chat, share kid stories, recipes, or just say hello all because of sites like Facebook and Twitter.

You now have the option to host your own PartyLite show using these social media connections! If you find yourself having trouble working around other schedules to get your friends together you can host your show ONLINE. Even though I may be thousands of miles away from you, I can help you host your online show to earn fabulous FREE PartyLite product for your home.

It is so simple! Just follow these steps...
1. Contact me via email ( or by clicking the CONTACT AMANDA (button above)
and let me know you're interested in hosting an online show.

2. Take a peek at the current host specials on my website to see what is available for you that month.

3. After I set up your show on my website, we'll decide together on an ordering time frame. You're friends and family will have about a week to get their orders in.

4. During this time, you can share your show with friends through email, Facebook, Twitter, your blog, word of mouth, etc.

5. I'll make a personalized YouTube video just for your family and friends that will show off the fantastic PartyLite product, as well as, giving them all the information they need to know about your show.

THAT"S IT!! Short and simple! You could be on your way to over $200 in FREE SHOPPING, half-price items, and a number of hostess specials.

Looking forward to planning YOUR online PartyLite Show:)